Here’s Why Therapists Say Fishing Can Be Therapeutic

Fishing can make anyone a better person. It is not just backed up by therapists, but also backed up by science. Don’t be fooled by the traditional stereotype of fishing. Anyone, no matter the age, gender, and income level, can participate in fishing activities or fish themselves. Most families have already been doing this as a weekend activity in any accessible lakes or fishing sanctuaries.

They say it can be therapeutic. But how and why? Read on.

It Is Definitely Relaxing


Fishing involves waiting, and that’s a fact. All you need to have is a fishing rod, a couple of baits, lots of patience and maybe a snack for yourself. Since it involves waiting, it will coincidentally also involve looking around and appreciating your surroundings. Sooner or later, as you wait for a fish to bite your bait, you will feel yourself to be one with nature.

This fishing activity will let you breathe fresher air. The calmness, pollution-free, and vibrant colors of the surrounding environment will decrease your stress and anxiety. As explained by Gretchen Flores, MA LPC LCPC “Some stress is unavoidable but if you can keep perspective then it can be a whole lot easier.” Unlike in the city or the confines of your home, there are no exerting pressure or mental force here. In your home or office, there may be that piles of documents that scare you. In a fishing sanctuary, there is none.

It Teaches You The Art Of Patience

Therapists treat fishing as a reflective and meditative activity by its nature. There are an essential tip and lesson that fishing beginners should know. That is, not everybody will hook a fish at every fishing activity. Therapists, however, believe that this will never cause you more significant stress or anxiety. It will instead teach you the unwillingness to quit. Alicia H. Clark, Psy.D. once wrote that “The sensation of pressure doesn’t have to be negative—it can be a positive challenge and motivating.”

Therapists point out correctly that people should learn how to have patience and deal with impatience. In the real world, everything takes time. Impatient people are the ones prone to stress, depression, high blood pressure, and physical weakness. Fishing is one of the activities that will bestow the proper patience upon you. In this case, online therapy apps like BetterHelp can also be beneficial in helping you understand the positive effects of fishing.

It Can Improve Your Balance

Jennifer Bradley, Psy.D., HSPP, Clinical Psychologist once said, “When we are imbalanced, we develop various types of difficulties, including psychological and/or physical symptoms, and we begin to use ineffective or damaging coping mechanisms.” Whether or not you are joining a regular fishing activity with practiced fishers already with you, this expedition will nevertheless teach you some physical balancing techniques. It is some form of exercise. It requires physical strength this time, forcing you then to move and crack those tight joints from working or overthinking.

It Can Boost Your Immune System


As mentioned, fishing still requires movement not just mere sitting or waiting. It does not only involve balancing techniques, but it has something to do with finding the perfect fishing spots. The ideal fishing sanctuaries are usually in natural places which will require walking, hiking, biking, or even paddling.

For beginners, this may sound like troublesome mainly if you are not into exerting that much physical effort. However, fishers who were once a beginner just like everybody else can say that the excitement and the unwillingness to quit will motivate you to go a little further. Sooner or later, you will be into the art of fishing and everything that comes with it (such as physical exercise).

Moreover, being outdoors is in itself already benefits our physical well-being. Imagine getting plenty of vitamin D that you would not get if you are staying most of the time indoors. Science reports that vitamin D plays a significant role in improving our mood, boosting our energy, and making us happier.

It Promotes Family Bonding


Letting go of the ugly sight and mental and emotional exhaustion brought about by official or school paper works will do wonders even with your communication with your family. While waiting for a fish to hook in your bait, talk with your kids or parents about their week in school or work. Talk about your next family vacation. This is a good way to unwind and improve the overall mental state of the whole family.

Think of this activity as one where you will and should never take your phone or paper works with you. It is the time where you should keep in touch with each other’s personal lives.

With all of these facts in mind, fishing can be an option for you to lead a happy and satisfying life in the long run. Catching a fish is only a bonus. Think of it as a reward once you felt that you are one with nature, improved your mood, and got in touch with family and friends once again. For beginners, there are a lot of organizations and fishing programs in your area that will help you get started, starting from the tools and skills you need to have if you want to begin. To know more about how online counseling can guide you through this, you can check out this review.

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