When I pick up a new hobby, I love sharing it with my family and friends. It has never bothered me even if they end up being better at it than me. It merely indicates that there is someone who can help me learn the ropes.
The thing is, I have tried new hobbies that my loved ones have started doing, too. When I brought my brother to a boxing class, and he loved it there. One time, I wanted to learn how to bake and asked mom to tag along with them. She turned to be a natural baker and loved the activity as well.

If there’s something that not a lot of my friends and family cannot accept, though, it’s my love for fishing. I did not grow up around bodies of water; the closest beach was a plane ride away. But somehow, when I was given a chance to start fishing, you could say that I got hooked.
Noodling, angling, netting – I have tried different techniques to catch a fish. I am not against fishing at any time of the year either, considering you can do it even the water is frozen solid.
Now, it has taken a while before I have encouraged my parents and siblings to go fishing with me. I tried many things to get them to hold a rod. At a low point, I even bribed them, but that did not end well for me. My family took my bribe but managed to come up with excuses not to come with me at the last minute.
Nevertheless, it did not stop me from coaxing my loved ones to try fishing and reap the fishing trip benefits. It was not until last year that I got my family to do it, and now they keep on asking me when we can go again.
If you want to accomplish the same thing, here’s how you can entice someone to go fishing with you.
Rent A Cabin Near A Fishing Lake
The first thing you can try is renting a cabin by the lake. There probably isn’t a single soul in the world who has never dreamed of waking up in one. You can open the door and bask in the beauty of nature.

Despite that, when you are deciding where to bring your family, you should make sure that the lake has fish. This way, you can suggest fishing to them one morning.
Give Your Family Something To Do While Waiting For The Fish
One of the reasons why your loved ones may not be up for fishing is that they have zero patience for waiting. When you do this activity, after all, you may have to wait for hours before a fish takes your bait. Some species are smarter than you expect as well, in the sense that they can eat your bait without touching the hook.
To keep your family from getting bored, therefore, you should think of games that you can play while waiting.
Prepare A BBQ Party Afterward

Another thing you can do is announce that you will prepare a BBQ party after fishing. There will be all kinds of meat, including the fish that any of you may catch. In this manner, you may encourage them to take fishing seriously because there is a yummy reward in the end.
Don’t give up on your family if they don’t like fishing as much as you do. Try coaxing them with the fishing safety tips and experience mentioned above. Good luck!